Saturday, October 20, 2012

Watsons Bay

Thank you Niss & Sam! They call me C-money when I'm rolling like this...
On Saturday we met up with Kath, an Australian friend of our Tennessee friend, Niss. Kath offered to hang out with us for the day and suggested we head over to Watsons Bay.

Our dear friend Niss gave us some Australian money as a going away gift to take Kath out.

Watsons Bay is about a 25 minute ferry ride from the city. You know how I love riding the ferry, and it was a beautiful day, so I couldn't have been happier with our day. We got to see some beautiful coastline on the way.

Watsons Bay is a cute little coast town. There are some great cafes and bars to visit and enjoy the scenery.

We got a couple drinks and chatted for a while. Kath was super funny and friendly. She gave us all kinds of advice and ideas for things we should check out. And since she's visited the States (and Knoxville), we also had lots of Australian-American comparisons to talk about.

Then we wandered up the hill to check out some of the sites and the town.

View of Watsons Bay from the hill

Gap Overlook

Heading back down - beautiful views all around!

Some of the original houses along the bay

Then we strolled down to a little sidewalk cafe and grabbed a bite for lunch.

Our view from our table was of the bay and a pier where local kids were swimming. Kath pointed out the shark net in the water that helps deter sharks from getting into the swimming area. Ummm!!

Since the last ferry back to the city had already left by the time we finished, we caught a bus back. I saw enough of Watsons Bay to know I want to go back again and spend some more time exploring and poking around!

It was a wonderful day with a lovely person. We're so grateful to Kath for giving up her Saturday afternoon and treating us to a round, and we're extra grateful to Niss for making it possible. Thank you!


  1. So great you guys got to meet up. I am sure that $50 didn't go much father than the first drink though:( What a beautiful day, so wish we could have been there to tag along:) I miss that Kath, she is one of a few people on the planet that can always make me laugh:) Loved seeing all the photos.

    1. The $50 was perfect - it was actually almost exactly right for our lunch bill. Should've known my Martha Stewart's gift would be perfect! =)

      Sorry I didn't get any pics of the three of us together! Toby and Kath were so patient with my picture-taking, I felt like I shouldn't push it.

      Thank you for such a nice day! It would have been absolutely perfect if you guys had been there too.
