Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday fun

Friday was a happy day for many reasons:

  • It was a beautiful day. It was a perfect neutral temperature, but it was sunny with a warm breeze. And you know how being warm automatically makes me happy!!
  • I stumbled into seeing a parade. I left my office building at lunch to go across the street to the Post store. (Which, side note, I was pretty proud to have noticed it was there and think to use it!) Or at least I tried to go there. Here's what I saw when I stepped out of the office:

Turns out that there was a celebration parade for the AFL champs, the Sydney Swans. And it was right between me and the Post store.

But who can be mad about about a parade? Everyone was cheering, there were flags and confetti, and it was a generally jovial atmosphere.

The parade was interesting: there was a series of cars and each car had two team members in it. The street wasn't all that wide, so the men watching would just chat with the players as they idled by. I heard things like:

"Way to go, mate! You're a champ!"
"How's your left knee, mate?"
"You're looking better than you did on Friday, mate!" (That one was my favorites because I'm not sure how it was meant!)

Plus, the parade was pretty short so I still got my letters mailed. =)

  • Not only did I get to see a parade, but we got a surprise housewarming gift from Holly! She and Scott sent us a basket with champagne, cheese, crackers, cookies, and nuts to congratulate us on getting settled in. It was the happiest mail we've gotten here and it made my day!

Our gift basket - post opening and sampling. =)

  • And obviously, the weekend is right around the corner!!

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