Sunday, October 14, 2012

Football Sydney-style

On Saturday afternoon, we went to our first Sydney FC soccer game. Some family members and I went in together to give Toby season tickets for his birthday. So this was the first of many games!

It was a sunny but cool day - perfect for soccer! There was track work being done on some of the train lines, so we had to take some buses to get down to the stadium. The bus system is not our strongest suite, but we're getting better all the time and that helped!

Our membership cards haven't made it to the apartment yet, but once they get here, we'll have some cool team swag. We did our best to wear some team colors, or at least not colors that the other team might be wearing.

Our seats are great - right in the middle of the field, so we get to see a lot of play.

Great view
After a goal
It was a lot of fun to watch the game in person, not just on TV. The fans are all VERY serious about the game, and they loooove their FC team. It was a really fun atmosphere!

Sydney lost 3-2, but we still had a great time!

And we managed to find our way home again! Hooray!

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