Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New office!

Today was the first day in the new Atlassian offices. And, even though I'm sad not to ride the ferry to work anymore, I have to admit the new office space is pretty amazing!

Here's my workspace (the closest one):

And here's one of the game rooms:

This pool table is in the actual "Billiards Room."

There's a nice big general eating and meeting area.

And two of these awesomely stocked kitchens.

You don't have to go all the way to the kitchen to get a drink - these vending machines are on every floor. Free drinks every time!

All the conference rooms have fun, nerdy names.

The only downside is the the new building doesn't have much of a view since it's surrounded by tall buildings in the CBD. But, when you're in the stairwell on the east side, there is a view of a plaza across the street.

One of the best parts of the new building? I'm not the only one wandering around who doesn't know where things are! =)


  1. A pool table! I'm SO there. Looks like quite the collaborative environment!

    1. Haha, yes, they went straight collaboration - not even half-cube walls. It will be an adjustment!

  2. I'm insanely office jealous. I want a room at Dell named Death Star.

    1. Haha, all the rooms have weird names. Which can add a little whimsy to meetings, I guess! Maybe you should take it upon yourself to rename some Dell rooms! ;-)
