Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Even though I'm thrilled to be missing winter this year, I'm pretty sad to miss out on a Tennessee autumn. The weather had started to change just enough when we were leaving that we got a taste of what was coming. And I'm really sad to miss out on the changing colors, the fall winds, the cute boots & sweaters, and the corn mazes!

But, on the plus side, as all my Facebook friends post about the fall weather, I'm getting a taste of it here. The past few days have been cool and breezy, enough so that I've had to wear a jacket (and a coat at Noodle Night). Today is cold and it's supposed to drizzle all day.

I'm wearing a fall-color outfit to work today, and at lunch, I'm going on a search for canned pumpkin (I've been told I can find it on the "American shelves" in the basement of David Jones department store).

I don't care if its horribly out of season here. I'm going to fool myself for at least one more day that a Tennessee fall is coming my way!


  1. I approve of these pumpkin plans!! :)

    If you don't already have plans for the pumpkin, I made this for Bunco last night:

    It went over pretty well, served with a bit of ice cream.

    1. Oooh, that looks tasty! Did you throw some bourbon in there for taste? Bc 1 - it sounds like it would go well, and 2 - well, that just seems like something you would do. =)

  2. I have found canned pumkin over here in a lolly shop that sells American candy! So there is an idea if you have exhausted all other options. I was hoping to make one this month or the next also.

    1. Thank you for the tip! I found a store that sells American candy online, and I thought I knew where it was, but I wasn't able to find it. I'm going to try again though. Gives me something to do on my lunch breaks! =)
