Sunday, October 21, 2012

Walk across the Harbor Bridge & through The Rocks

Walking across the Harbor Bridge

On Sunday we walked across the Harbor Bridge. We live right by the bridge, but we've been saving up the walk for a day when we had plenty of time to stroll around and enjoy it. 

Our route for Sunday

The bridge walk was really fun. It was quite different from walking across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The Golden Gate was really shaky and kind of intense to be on. The Harbor Bridge was almost perfectly steady. One side of the bridge is for bikes and the other side is for pedestrians.

The bridge has a nice wide walkway, so lots of people walk across to get down to the city or run across for exercise. 

There were great views of Kirribilli and North Sydney from the bridge. 

The Kirribilli shoreline

Some cool rooftop gardens in Kirribili
And the Opera House and Circular Quay. There was a big cruise ship at port in Circular Quay this weekend. 

View of Circular Quay from the bridge

We also saw people heading up to the top of the bridge going on the Harbor Bridge Climb. It wasn't scary being on the bridge, but it got my stomach watching them head up on the top of the arches. 

Brave souls (in blue) heading up the bridge
Toby asked me take a picture of this cool apartment building, AKA the "zombie fortress."

The Rocks

The Rocks is a historic area of Sydney right around the bay. The area was one of the first settlements in Sydney and used to be full of rough and tumble characters. The oldest buildings buildings have been restored but retain the old-timey feel.

Right when you get off the bridge, you see the Australian Hotel. It's one of the oldest hotels and pubs in Sydney.

We also walked by this beautiful Catholic church building. 

There are lots of cobblestone streets and old rock staircases, so it's a really beautiful area to walk around.  Perfect for poking around on a pleasant Sunday. =)

It's become a pretty touristy area. There are lots of boutique stores, cute cafes, and some museums. And we found this cute red telephone booth!

And we found this alley that had lampshades hanging between the buildings. I'm putting this place on the list of  things to go back and see in the dark. It looks so cool during the day, I'm sure it looks even cooler at night.

There are also lots of markets on the weekends - people selling crafts and local art. 

Lots of vendors to check out!

It was a great walk, and I feel like we really only scratched the surface of things to see at The Rocks. You could spend hours meandering through the old buildings, not to mention looking at all the shops and vendors selling things. We'll definitely plan to go back and spend some more time there!

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