Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Night Noodle Market

Every year in October, Sydney holds a giant food festival. One of the events during the festival is called Night Noodle Market. With Night Noodle Market, Hyde Park in the CBD is converted to a big Asian food vendor area.

Night Noodle Market

Hyde Park is just a couple blocks away from where I work, so Toby met me after work and we walked over together to check it out.

There are tons of vendors in tiny stalls, each selling 5 - 10 of their best dishes. There were probably about 45 vendors, so there was a lot to choose from! There were Chinese, Japanese, Himalayan, Thai, and Malaysian food vendors, and a couple beer tents.

Some of the vendors
Beer tent patio

We got to sample some cool food we haven't had before:

Japanese pancake - the favorite of the evening
Vegetarian money bag (filled with coconut & corn kernels) and a curry puff

We also tried the vegetarian platter from one of the Himalayan vendors, but we ate it before I got a picture.

We met up with the Draegers and one of their friends at the festival, so we got to share discussions on the food we tried. It was a great evening: fun food, great company, and new experiences! Sydney can definitely do Asian food!


  1. I wish we could get food like that here! Everything sounds delicious.

    1. It was a lot of fun! Way more kinds of Asian food than I've ever seen in one place before! Not all that much for vegs, though. =)
