Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday fun lunch

On Friday, I met Stephanie and her son Tucker for an early lunch. I met Stephanie through the Draegers a couple weeks ago at the Noodle Night Markets, and found out she lives just about a 20 minute walk from where I work. So she graciously agreed to meet up with me for lunch one day to give me some Sydney living tips and give me something fun to do over a lunch break.

Where else would two American girls meet besides Starbucks?! =) There aren't that many Starbucks here in the city - certainly not as may as you would see in a city in the States. The biggest coffee shop chain in Gloria Jean's, but the majority of the coffee shops seem to be tiny, independent pop-up coffe shops tucked into small spaces between buildings.

Stephanie is a frequent customer at the Starbucks near her apartment (and by frequent, I mean that they know her and her boys by name and they let the kids behind the counter to "help" them work.) We had a nice coffee break lunch and she gave me some more recommendations on things to do in the city, the best doctors, the best grocery stores, all those good kinds of things. I am alway grateful when people save me time and heartache and just tell me the easiest way to get things done here! =)

Anyway, it was a really nice lunch, and - bonus! - I didn't get lost on the way or the way back!.

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