Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Work goodbyes

Monday was a bittersweet day too. I went to Lexington to turn in my HP equipment, and more importantly, say goodbye to all the lovely people I've worked with over the years. I've worked with some of the people on my team for over 6 years, and in the case of my friends Sarah and Beth, I've known them since we were in school at EKU together. That's a lot of fun times and memories!

First on the agenda: a final lunch out at Chipotle! My wonderful team knows me so well, they let me have the seat in the full-on sun. =)

Lunch in the sun
In the afternoon, my wonderful friend Jo and team organized a get-together. Since there was a cake (and it was super cute, by the way), a lot of people came.

Farewell cake

I got to talk to a lot of people, and I got to say some personal goodbyes to some co-workers too.

Me & Mel
Jo & I
Then it was time for one final staff meeting. I'll miss being in a room with all of these wonderful people!

Thank you, ID team, for so many fun years and a wonderful send-off! I'm going to miss you all!



  1. Hey, I'm internet famous!! :P

    We need to blackmail those "sassy" pics out of Sarah. I'll hold the clothes I'm passing to her hostage.

    1. Haha, we do need some leverage! I really want to see those pictures but I'm afraid we never will. Sarah, if you read this, take note!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
