Friday, September 28, 2012

My commute

I know I've mentioned this before, but this week I rode the ferry to and from work. The Atlassian offices are right by Darling Harbor, which has two ferry stops. Since the novelty of this commute hasn't worn off, I thought I'd document how my mornings go as I make my way to work.

First, I head down to the wharf at Milsons Point. The street we live on mainly has apartment buildings, cafes, and little shops, so it's fairly quiet in the mornings.


Alfred Street

The wharf is located next to a carnival/amusement park called Luna Park. It doesn't open until sometime during the day, so sometimes Toby runs there in the mornings. He has a running app that adds sound effects to your music like zombies are chasing you, and he says its especially spooky when the park is deserted.

Luna Park

Milsons Point Wharf

Next I get on the ferry and take a 10-ish minute ride over to Kings Street Wharf in Darling Harbor.



This wharf lets out onto the promenade on Darling Harbor. The promenade goes around the harbor and has fun stuff like the aquarium and maritime museum. It also has tons of restaurants and bars, so it's always lively when I head home from work. In the mornings, though, it's nice and peaceful.

The promenade at Darling Harbor

Lastly, I have a short walk on Sussex St to get to my office.

Bridge over to Sussex Street

Sussex Street - the most mundane part of my walk

And that's my commute! One day I walked back to the harbor to eat my lunch and it was a really nice break.



I'll be sad when we move to the offices next week. I'll ride the train then, and it is not nearly so charming as the ferry!



  1. So much envy about Luna Park! So iconic and awesome a commute all together. I know you'll love it while it lasts.

    1. Thank you! =) You'll should come visit. I see things all the time and think about how much you would like them. Luna Park being a big one! Miss you, also, btw!
