Monday, September 17, 2012

Wheels down!

On our journeys

Well, we made it safely across the ocean! Our marathon flight started off with sadness (a lot!) and tears (a whole lot!), since I had to tell Holly goodbye at the Charlotte airport. As Scott, Toby, and some onlookers can probably attest, this was probably one of the most tearful goodbyes you've ever seen. In fact, there are still some tears on my end, and I'm not sure that will stop anytime soon.

But the good part about leaving from Charlotte is that Holly & Scott were kind enough to take us to the airport and help us with our bags. It turns out that you pack a lot of stuff when you move across the world!

Holly & Scott documented our check-in
Most of our travel went smoothly: no problems at security and all of our flights went smoothly. We flew from Charlotte -> Dallas -> Brisbane -> Sydney. We missed our Brisbane -> Sydney connection, but it was easily remedied and we arrived only 30 minutes late. Surprisingly, the long Qantas flight from Dallas to Brisbane was the best! We had awesome in-flight entertainment and comfort amenities galore. It really was a pretty fun time. One of my favorite things to do was check our flight progress.
Plane not to scale
We tried really hard to stay up for a while on the flight and start getting adjusted to Sydney time. I made it a little bit longer than Toby, but not quite to 7 PM time in Australia before crashing out for the night. It remains to be seen how good of a job we did of forcing ourselves onto a new schedule. 

Thank you again to all the family & friends who put us up and helped us with our pre-travel activities! We are so lucky to have such support in our lives. 

More later on the post-arrival adventures!


  1. YAY!!! So glad to hear this!! I thought about you all day.

    1. Thank you!! Your thoughts are much appreciated! We needed them! xo

  2. I would have been that complete stranger watching you and Holly and crying too. I love and hate airports for that very reason, i see random people crying and all of a sudden i am digging in my purse for Visine. :)

    1. If you'd seen Holly & me, the tears would have been justified. You would have thought someone had died. =)
