Thursday, September 20, 2012

Visiting Redfern & such

Today we visited Redfern. It turns out that its probably not a suburb we want to live in, but we did see a couple fun things.

First we came across this mixed business sandwiches store.

Then Toby spotted this Martian Embassy storefront. Still unclear on this one.

After we got back from Redfern, we walked over to Milsons Point and Kirribilli, both nearby areas with apartments to let. We found one that we're going to look at tomorrow (fingers crossed!). On the walk back, we came across this vantage spot that overlooks Lavendar Bay.

The sun was really bright in our eyes, so our faces probably look weirder than normal.

Overlooking Lavendar Bay
And finally, here's a nighttime shot of Sydney Harbor Bridge. I'd like to take some better pictures of this once my camera arrives.

The past couple days have been so busy with going around to different suburbs and figuring stuff out, I haven't had a chance to get too homesick. I've gotten to Skype with Holly, Toby's mom, Mom & Dad, and our Everett friends a couple mornings and that's always a happy/sad time. I'm worried that once things slow down, I'll really feel the loneliness. But so far, we're having fun together and enjoying our new adventure. =)
Harbor Bridge at night


  1. Great pictures! I hope you guys get your apartment; I know you'll want to get settled in ASAP. When are you supposed to start at your new job?

    1. Thank you! We signed a lease on an apartment yesterday - hooray!! And my first day is Tuesday - I'm starting to think about that now and get nervous. Glad we got all this other stuff done first!

      Hope your job search is going well - I've been thinking about you!

    2. WOOHOO!! You'll rock that job; don't stress!

      As for me, nothing yet, but I'm still feeling optimistic...ish. I might have to leave the country, too! :P (Or at least the state!)

  2. Hey Christine and Toby- Thanks for posting the Sydney harbor pics! Glad you have each other on this new adventure. I am so happy that everything is going so well! Keep the posts coming and have fun!

    1. Thank you, Kelley! I'm glad I'm putting together something readable! It was so great to see you before we left! Hope you guys are well!
