Friday, September 28, 2012

Quick update!

I wrote this post during the week but am just now able to be on wi-fi where I can upload it. But I'm here & alive!

We've been staying in our new apartment, and we don't have Internet hooked up there. So it's been hard for me to get my updates together. The ferry I take to work has wi-fi, so I'm tapping away madly on my iPad to get this post up before we arrive at my wharf!


Work's been going well. There is a huge amount to learn so each day is kind of a blur and my brain is foggy by the end. But everyone is really friendly and nice, so it's been good.


Dragonboat racing

Obviously I survived my outing in the harbor. I didn't take any pictures because we didn't take any valuables out in the boat with us. It was an interesting sport: about 16 people fit in a boat, 2 people in a row. Then you use an oar and paddle the boat like a canoe. As you can probably imagine, it takes some coordination! And first timers (like me) were not very good. But it was a fun team exercise. Afterward we went to a pub for some free beers - that was actually the best part because I got to know a lot of the people, so I feel like I'm not a total stranger now.


The only downside of the event was having to travel home in soaking wet clothes. It was FREEZING and I ended up with a little sniffle from it. =(


The apartment

We're moved in and staying at the apartment. It's great to have a home base! Toby works super hard every day on getting things set up for us there, so it's been really great all around.


More updates and pics to come next time I find wi-fi!


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