Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sad goodbyes

This week has flown by. It's also been a pretty sad week since we've had to say goodbyes to our family and friends. There are no pictures of these events because they were all teary, sad, emotional messes. (Just Toby, of course!)

Saying goodbye to my parents was really hard because they are always such rock-solid support for us. No matter if it's moving, figuring out how to fix something, or just being there in case something comes up, they're always there. It's a scary, sad feeling to know they won't be close by in case we need them. A girl always needs her mom and dad, no matter how old she gets.

The goodbyes to friends were hard, too. Our time in Knoxville has been absolutely wonderful, and that's due to the fun, amazing people we have here. We're going to miss long-time friends like the Childs and the Deals, especially Ryan who holds such a special place in Toby's heart. And we're also going to miss newer friends like the Whismans and Nicole - we've had such wonderful times with these lovely people! There are many more people on this list too, but these are on my mind since I've cried on their shoulders recently.

So many wonderful friends
A special thanks to our Knoxville besties, the Everetts. They put us up when we moved out of our apartment, fed us, let us do laundry, and gave us an amazing last day in Tennessee. We couldn't have asked for a better way to close out our time in Knoxville than with one final dinner with them.

Best times
One of us was an absolute wreck when we pulled out of their driveway for the last time. A Skype date will be in order soon!

We also spent a day with Toby's family. There is so much love & caring in this family, it always makes us sad to leave them. I mean just look at these beautiful people!

Every single person we had to say goodbye to told us that they were excited for us. And that unwavering support for us is how I know we are the luckiest people in the world.


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