Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First day of work

Well, today was my first day of work! First priority was picking out a first-day outfit and texting a pic to Holly for her approval. Priorities!!!

Before I could leave the apartment for the day, my HR lady texted me and asked if I could come in at 10:30 since she was tied up all morning before that. Ummm....OK! =)

I also got some sweet texts wishing me a good first day. And that started my day off right!

Taking the ferry to work

From where we're staying and where the Atlassian offices are located, it's fastest for me to take the ferry to work. How cute is that?!

T walked to me to the ferry for my first day. Here I am, ready for my commute!

Bonus points if you can find me in this picture!


First day craziness

The Atlassian headquarters are located by Darling Harbor, but next week they're moving further into the CBD where they have more room to expand.

Current Atlassian headquarters
Getting started at Atlassian is pretty intense. All new R&D workers go through a 6-week bootcamp, which is designed to get you up to speed on their various products, as well as having you create something that you then present to the company as a whole. I'm not sure how my bootcamp will compare with the typical one, but it will be a vertical learning curve nonetheless.

My new teammates took me to lunch and they all seem very nice. It's a pretty small writing team (I think about 7 people total). Everyone was very kind and welcoming, but it still made me miss all my Exstream friends. A lot!

The Atlassian offices are quite open and designed for fun. There also seems to be a pretty constant stream of free food and drinks. Everyone seems to work really hard, and all the developers I met truly do seem to be at the top of their game. It will definitely be a challenging environment, but I hope that in a few months I'll be somewhat settled in.

Fun things like this welcome box will help get me through all the stress!

Oh, and I've also been signed up for dragon boat racing on Thursday. I had to look it up and it seems like some kind of rowing thing. I guess that's as good a way to meet my co-workers as any! It was a little unsettling to have to sign a waiver saying I could swim 50 meters fully clothed when I first got to my desk!

Anyway, that's the short version of my first day at work. I'll keep you updated on how that goes, assuming that I survive Thursday, of course!

Oh, and in case you're wondering, Toby spent the day getting things set up for the new apartment, changing addresses, and making calls. He has taken care of all of that stuff and it is completely awesome to not have that to worry about it while I'm at work!


  1. I know you will be great, provided you survive that dragon boat thing. EEK. I just love that HR texted you with a schedule change. Wow, a technology company using technology to keep their folks informed and not waste their time. What kind of a world is THAT!

    1. Haha, i know! It kind of took me by surprise, but it is totally cool!

  2. Super congrats on your first day! It sounds like that job is going to be a whirlwind of awesome.

    1. Thank you! I hope it is a whirlwind I can keep up with!

  3. You look so adorable on your first day to work! I am sure you will the star of your office:) xx

    1. Well, I don't know about that, but thank you! So far, 3 people have asked me where I'm from. I can't tell if they mean what country or where I am from in the US. There are a LOT of internationals, but not very many Americans and even fewer girls. So, I don't know if I'll be a star, but I definitely stick out!
