Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekend fun

Since we accomplished our big goal of finding a place to live on Friday, we decided to have some fun this weekend.

Well, first we took a trip to Ikea on Saturday to order some things we need for the apartment. Whether that can be called fun is maybe questionable! =)

But on Sunday we had for real fun. We started the day by taking the ferry over to Circular Quay and walking around the Opera House. It was a beautiful day and perfect for doing touristy things!

Waiting to ride the ferry
On the ferry ride over, a fast ferry came into Circular Quay right as we were docking. That boat had a ferry-dog!

Then we joined the masses in walking around the Opera House.

It was really beautiful, and the sun was so bright it made it even more awesome!

After we walked around the Opera House, we meandered through the Royal Botanical Gardens, which is located along the bay and backs up to the business district. It's a huge park and it was full of people out enjoying the day. We saw cool trees, neat birds, and some beautiful scenery.

Some sights from the Royal Botanical Gardens
After some lunch and Skyping with family, we decided to keep on enjoying the weather and headed out to Clark Park, which is a small, secluded little area halfway between our current apartment and new one. We took some books and found a quiet spot for reading.

Since it's turning spring here, there were lots of beautiful plants in bloom.

And that was pretty much the weekend! We got to talk and text with a lot of family and friends, enjoy some awesome wether, and see some beautiful sights. Couldn't ask for a better weekend!



  1. beautiful, sweetie! and, thanks so much for your postcard. we all loved hearing from you. we miss you like crazy. XOXOXOXOX

    1. Yay! I'm so glad the postcard made it!!! And I miss you guys back! A lot!! xoxo
