On Friday we got up nice and early and headed up to the Blue Mountains. Mom and Dad said they trusted my driving on the wrong side of the road, so we rented a car and headed out of the city!
Our first stop was Wentworth Falls. The weather was pretty overcast and cloudy, but we still had some OK views.
Next we drove into the mountain town of Katoomba for lunch at the Yellow Deli. This was particularly appropriate because the Yellow Deli is a little cafe started and run by a religious sect that started in Chattanooga, TN (it's called the Twelve Tribes). Go figure that you could find a religious cult from Tennessee in the mountains of Australia!
In true form for religious sects, the Twelve Tribes are controversial and have been accused of some dodgy stuff. But the cafe turned out to be totally charming and fun. And the food was amazing!
We sat in the little alcove upstairs.
Toby did a fashion walk when he saw me taking a picture |
In case you were wondering, the people at the cafe were friendly, peaceful, and maybe a little spaced out. But no one tried to recruit us!
After lunch, we tried to go to Leura Cascades, but the skies just opened up and the huge storm system we'd been reading about showed us what it was made of. We ended up sitting in the car park for a long time waiting for it to pass. It hailed, thundered, and lightening-ed, but that didn't bother these people too much.
It's the daily nap! |
Finally the rain lightened up enough that we decided to make a run down the trail and check it out. We didn't get very far before we saw the effects of the storm. For contrast, here's what it looked like during the rain and what it looked like the next day.
Friday |
Saturday |
We decided to turn around and head back into Katoomba. Our plan was to maybe walk around the shops while we waited for the rain to pass. It was good that we decided to not try the trail because the next day it was clear that the waters had ended up flooding the trail by quite a lot.
It was so stormy that walking around in Katoomba was pretty much out, so we waited for the weather to let up, dashed into a grocery store to buy ingredients for dinner, and then headed up to the cottage in Mount Victoria. TBC...
Just for the record, that was not a fashion walk. I always walk that way when leaving an Australian mountain deli run by a Tennessee cult. Always.