Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy Monday!

Monday was a super happy day! (And it's usually the saddest day of the week because it means the weekend is over.) But we got TWO packages from home! One was from my sister with a couple things we'd ordered and some bonus goodies!

Note the cute little wombat that was in there too!

Our other package was from Toby's sister-in-law. We got some pictures of the kiddos, and some fun stickers from Asheville! And a few other little things that just show they know Toby so very well.

We were feeling very loved!

The other fun part of the day was this prize Toby brought home. He won a bottle of champagne for writing the best copy for the day. Well done, T!!


  1. I'm in the wrong business! I want those kinds of prizes for work well done. Congrats!!

  2. I wish i could crawl into this computer and be in Australia to share that bottle with you. I just recently read and totally agree that with this statement: All things in moderation, except for Champagne!
