Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blue Mountains - Jenolan Caves

On the schedule for Saturday morning was driving out to the Jenolan Caves. These had been on Mom & Dad's To Do list since they started planning their trip. They were about an hour away from where we were staying in Mount Victoria, so we got up early and left to get there when the ticket office opened.

The drive itself was really beautiful. I got Toby to take a picture for me so I could enjoy it later.

We also saw some 'roos out for their breakfast! This was the first wild kangaroo spotting for Mom and Dad.

The drive, while beautiful, was also a little intense. The last 8 kilometers were over a super narrow, windy road that went along the side of the mountain. Luckily we didn't meet any cars on the way in, as I'm not really sure how we would both have shared the road! We learned that they make the road open for one way traffic only during the peak times, which made a lot of sense to me.

The final bit of the drive went through a rock tunnel, which was also exciting to drive through!

My iPhone cave pictures were nothing spectacular, but Dad took some great ones with his camera and shared them with me.

You might think this is Indiana Jones, but it's actually Dad!

Before we left the caves to drive back toward the main tourist part of the mountains, T made friends with this bird that really wanted some of his apple.

Then we jumped back in the car for the drive back. We took the long way around this time around! Just as curvy, but the really narrow roads were a much shorter distance. Nonetheless, everyone was happy to get out of the car back in Mount Victoria and stand on solid ground for a while!


  1. That road does look intense! I don't envy you driving through that rock cave. It looks way worse than any of the roads we drove on in Tasmania or the GOR! The scenery is beautiful though!

    1. Parts of the drive reminded me of Tassie, lots of farms & such. But I still think Tasmania is the most beautiful place I've ever driven!

      Next time you are here we will drive out to the caves. Just for the thrill.
