Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Interactive theatre

On Monday, Toby and I both had to work - gotta pay the piper for all this fun! But we had an after-work event that Toby had picked out: an interactive theater in Surry Hills! It was kind of like a murder mystery party but with real actors and spread out over a suburb.

We started out with a text from Chief Detective, telling us to meet at a gazebo near Central Station. He met us there to give us the details of the case!

The "case" we were given to solve was based on an actual unsolved murder in Sydney in 1929. I looked it up afterward, and found the newspaper article about it at the time. Of course, there were a few liberties taken with the story in our event!

We were in a group of about 10 total. This cute family from England dressed in character for the time period!

We found our first suspect at a bar up the road.

We interrogated her over a drink and figured out our next clue.

Which was disguised (more or less) in a menu.

Then we headed off to track down a few more suspects scattered through the streets of Surry Hills (along with more clues).

We ended up catching our suspect in an alleyway. And, lo and behold, some champagne and tapas were there waiting on us too!

And then we went through the back door in the alleyway and into a tapas restaurant where we had a great dinner!

Even though none of us quite knew what to expect with this little adventure, it ended up being really fun! The food was delicious, the group was good-spirited, and we solved the mystery! A fun night!

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