Monday, December 23, 2013

Ferrying around

On Sunday, we caught the ferry over to Circular Quay. Our first stop was the Rocks Markets where we did a bit of shopping.

I think these people belong in the sun!

Chris didn't actually buy the finger puppet
We stopped for a quick drink in the shade and took a little break from the crowds.

Then a bit more shopping! Toby got talked into buying a dozen chocolates by a lovely Brazilian woman with an exotic accent. We ended up with some delicious chocolates though, so I didn't mind!

Chocolates and friends laughing at Toby's weakness
After we'd bought all the chocolates we'd ever need, we headed over to check out the Opera House.

Technically this is a picture of the four of us!
Checking out the city, harbour, and bridge in one go

Then it was time to catch the ferry over to Darling Harbour for our lunch!

Even the ferry deckhands were in the Christmas spirit
These boys were ready for lunch
Our lunch was at a steakhouse overlooking Darling Harbour. We had a voucher to spend towards a total amount, and as you might imagine there wasn't a whole ton for me and Toby to eat at the restaurant. Luckily, Chris and Michelle helped us out!

We wrapped up our day in Darling Harbour with a little shopping and a walk across the Pyrmont bridge to catch the ferry from there.

We closed out our day with our usual: snacks, drinks, and games! We went out to the park behind our house for the snacks and games - it was pretty much a perfect end to a fabulous day.

The fab 4 back together again

A little bit later this happened, but you didn't hear it from me!

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