Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Christmas!

Our Christmas Day was a cozy, lazy day. It was drizzly all morning, and turned into a slow, steady rain in the afternoon. My Christmas plan was to do Christmas at the beach, but it was foiled by the weather. =\

That didn't stop us, though! We had our beach picnic on the living room floor and watched a movie!

We had all picked one snack to make for the beach. Chris made the observation that our snacks were very representative of us: Chris, loving Asian food, made a marinated mushroom salad with seaweed salad on the side. Toby loves mixing all kinds of foods that shouldn't be put together, so he picked ensalada rusa (a potato salad we learned from the Spainards that has olives, egg, peas, and carrots in it.) Michelle loves her Mexican food, so she made some guacamole, and I like light, simple flavors, so I made pineapple salsa. So nothing was really on a theme, but it was all tasty!

We hung out inside for most of the day. We all found fun stuff to do.

In the afternoon, the rain seemed to slack up for a minute, so the group humored me and we went out to the beach so we could say we'd been on the beach on Christmas!

It was really cold - but we did it!

Warming up back in the car!

After we got back to the apartment and warmed up, it was time to cook up the rest of our fish market purchases. And it turned out great!

Chris and Michelle worked on the food: shrimp pasta with a white wine butter sauce, baked scallops, and the biggest calamari you've ever seen.

It was absolutely fabulous!

We did our Christmas dinner up right, with Christmas napkins from our care package and our nice, grown-up Christmas crackers.

The crowns in these sets of crackers were a bit big...
And a gift for the Everett's from Holly

We closed out the night watching Despicable Me 2. A pretty darn good Christmas Day!

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