Thursday, January 2, 2014

Spa day

On New Years Eve, Michelle and I headed out for a girls day of fun! I had bought us both a groupon for some treatments at a day spa in Sydney for Michelle's birthday and my Christmas. So we decided to make a whole day of it, with lots of pampering and splurging!

We started out with some rooftop lunch at a pub in the CBD. It turned out that we probably could have shared one plate. No worries, we sat in the steam room at the spa for a minute - I'm sure that made up for it!

Next, we walked up the street to check out a cute bar we'd noticed earlier. The part we saw from the street looked nice, but we walked through to a courtyard that was absolutely gorgeous! It was called the Gin Garden, so we decided it was destiny for us to have a drink there.

Our last stop before the day spa was Lindt Cafe, where we had a chocolate sampler platter. We were a little bit full from our fun afternoon, but that didn't stop us from doing our best!

First round was hot chocolate. It came out on a platter with melted chocolate and hot frothed milk - make your own hot chocolate! Very fun.

Then came the full on platter! It came with another mini pot of melted chocolate, which we weren't sure what to do with. So we just poured it on some stuff!

We did our best on the platter and then walked down to the Langham hotel where we had our spa vouchers. The hotel and spa were really nice! Like a concierge got in the elevator to push the buttons for us nice! =)

Our treatments were really nice too: we both had a volcanic rock massage and a facial. We both agreed the volcanic rock massage was amazing!

We had full use of the facilities, so we took a swim in the pool after our treatments. It was designed like a Roman bathhouse and the ceiling had fiber optic lights so it looked like a starry sky. So pretty!

After our soak in the hot tub, we decided to try out the steam room since we'd both seen them on movies but never actually been in one. As you might imagine, it wasn't as relaxing as they make it look in the movies. We were uncomfortable and got out after about 2 minutes, ha!

We had a lot of fun being ladies of leisure for the day!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Excellent! Looks like your day was full-on and well-accomplished. You've managed to get to all those sights and sensations in one full swoop. A trip to the spa is the fine center in all that, and the one that seals the deal with rest and relaxation. I hope you enjoy more trips like that. All the best! :)

    Joanne Henry @ Tranquility Pools, Inc.
