Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Santa came!

On Christmas Eve, two separate packages arrived for us from the USA.

One was from my sister's in-laws. This lovely family has been so kind to my sister and to us! They sent us all kinds of Christmas goodies and decorations. Like this adorable wine bottle decoration.

And my all-time favorite Christmas candy! I love these kisses so much!!

It was such a lovely surprise. Thank you so much, Karen and Richard!

We had a second surprise later in the day when a package from the Draegers arrived! This is what we call a Cheetos smile...

So many fun treats: Cheetos, pop tarts, M&Ms, awesome cookies, and a Duck Dynasty guy that talks when you press his belly. The interesting thing about living overseas is that in the time that it takes something to reach you in the mail, something that would have originally been an innocuous, funny gift might have taken on a whole new meaning in light of a social media storm! Hee hee!

Thank you so much, Draeger family! This is probably Toby's favorite Christmas tree ever!

All these unexpected gifts made our Christmas Eve that much more special. We felt so very loved, and so blessed to have people in our lives that would take the time, expense, and inconvenience to send us care packages!


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