Monday, December 2, 2013

[Guest post] Last Wednesday & Thursday in Sydney

On Wednesday morning we took a leisurely stroll through Lavender Bay. It was a beautiful sunny day this time and we were able to take our time and really enjoy it.

We had time to take another swing through the Central Business District and this time we were able to go through the Queen Victoria Building. It is beautifully decorated for Christmas and they have a 3-story Christmas tree. Unfortunately there was no way to get a picture of the tree.

In the afternoon we had a cruise on the tall ship Soren Larsen, a sailing vessel built in the early 1900’s.

The captain fit right in with the old ship and was was very laid back. Here you can see him steering the boat with his foot while texting.

The crew worked hard to get the sails up. They climbed the rigging and did it the old-fashioned way.

It was a windy day and the harbour was filled with sailboats.

We think this may be one of the boats practicing for the Sydney to Hobart Regatta coming up on Boxing Day (Dec. 26).

Tom captured it all since he was the official photographer for our trip.

On Wednesday evening C&T fixed Australian Thanksgiving dinner. It was delicious and another opportunity to hang out with them.

Thursday morning it was hard to believe that it was our last day in OZ. We went to Hyde Park and then we walked through Saint Mary’s cathedral.

The stained glass and interior were beautiful, but no photography was allowed.

Christine and I went to high tea at lunchtime. The food was great and it was a perfect way to spend our last lunch together.

After tea, Tom and I walked around Kirribilli a bit more. It is a very quaint area with lots of interesting nooks and crannies. When C&T got home from work we had dinner at an attempt at an American style 60’s diner. Their menu had burgers and fries (not chips). The food was good and they did a good job with their décor. They also had a jar of US bills displayed on their counter – not sure what that was for.

After dinner, we made our plans for our departure on Friday morning. C&T took us to the airport in a cab. It was a very sad end to a wonderful visit.

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