Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Saturday in Paddington and Leichardt

Saturday was a beautiful, hot day. Since our last weekend went by in such a flash, we decided not to do too much this weekend - but we did want to get out and enjoy the day some.

So we started our day with a trip out to Oxford Street in Paddington. There are lots of boutique stores on Oxford Street, one of which sells Birkenstocks. Toby claims these are back in fashion, and he wanted a pair as his summer sandals. So off we went!

After a successful purchase (yay!) we wandered back down Oxford Street toward the city.
We stopped in to check out St. Matthias church.

The Paddington Markets were on too, but we didn't stop for too long.

We did stop into the Reservoir Gardens to sit in the shade. The city has transformed part of the old reservoir system into gardens, and they are really cool! I'd been before but it Toby's first visit. He liked them!

Then we decided on the spur of the moment to jump over a few suburbs to the west for lunch. We'd been to Leichardt a few months ago for the Italian Festival, and when we there, we promised we'd come back to try out some of the places we'd sampled. So we decided Saturday was the day!

We had really great food! The arancini was just as delicious as it was the day of the Italian festival. Mmmm! And of course we took some cannoli home with us for a treat later. And the atmosphere was fun - lots of Italians about!

Also, while in Leichardt, we got to see things like this shop:

And these guys on the train. They were traveling with the giant teddy bear, blasting Jay-Z and eating cookies.

It was a super fun, entertaining day!!

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