Friday, January 17, 2014

Stonehenge is here!

It's Sydney Festival time and as part of that, Hyde Park has been turned into Festival Village. And it looks awesome! It's got an old-timey carnival feel to it, and there is a giant bouncy Stonehenge!

The kids (and some grownups!) love it!

I was on my lunch and there was a line - that's the only reason there's not a selfie of me bouncing around. =\

Australians are pretty aware of sun protection (as they rightfully should be). I really noticed when I was walking through the village: when there were lines to stand in, people could borrow umbrellas so they were in shade as they waited. There was a also a whole tent for little kids to make their own decorated sun hats! I didn't get a pic of any of them, but it was really cute.

It was mainly families out for the day when I was there, so not all of the activities were up and going. But it definitely looks like some cool stuff goes on at night!

I wonder if I can convince Toby to go out with me one night next week?? =)

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