Monday, January 27, 2014

Festival village with Emma

On Tuesday we met up with our friend Emma. We met her about a year ago when she was fresh arrived from England. We haven't seen her for a few months as her family from home has been in visiting. (Sound familiar??)

We decided to meet up at the Sydney Festival Village in Hyde Park.

We grabbed some food truck dinner: Emma and Toby had dim sum, and I had a grilled sandwich from this cute thing.

We walked around the village for a little bit. The Sydney Library system had a cute little reading area set up. You could take a book and then grab a little spot for reading. Such a fun idea!

We walked around for a bit, catching up on all the things we've been doing since we saw each other. Emma traveled the east coast this spring and told us all the things we have to see there. Then we parted ways, left the village, and went home. It was a fun change from the usual Tuesday nights!

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