Monday, March 18, 2013

Our kind is not wanted here

Big in local political news last week was the controversy over the number of 457 visas the country issues. The sitting Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, claimed this week that IT firms in Australia are abusing 457 visas by bringing in low-paid overseas IT workers, rather than hiring Australians for the jobs. This is relevant to us because Toby and I are on a 457 visa. We aren't in danger of losing our visa, but the ease with which we came here could be very different if Parliament makes changes to the legislation.

It is also relevant to us because the founders of my company have been extremely vocal in their opposition to changing 457 regulations. This article has a picture of one of the co-founders, Mike Cannon-Brookes. How he looks in the picture is pretty much exactly how he looks every day in the office.

Mike has been interviewed a lot this week, fighting to keep the same freedom to hire outside workers at Atlassian.

It's an interesting time to work in the IT sector in Australia. One of the great things about working at Atlassian is that I work with people from all over the world. Hopefully the country can strike a balance in the debate and I can keep getting to work with really talented Australians and ex-pats.


  1. Christine,

    Love your blog. It's like being in Australia myself. If that first link really contains a representative photo of your boss, it must be an interesting place to work. :)

  2. Now I know how it feels to be on the other side of the fence on the migrant worker issue. I have to say, it can make you a little paranoid. I keep thinking these Aussies are looking at me all shifty-eyed.
