Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy 6 month anniversary

Holly reminded me that exactly 6 months ago Saturday, we got on a plane and left the U.S. In some ways, it feels like it has been much longer than 6 months since we've been gone... Especially when I think about the things that we have missed: Christmas with family, seeing our dear friends off to a big new life adventure in Sweden, seeing other friends get ready for a new baby. And so many other things that it makes me really sad to think about.

On the other hand, it seems like it's gone by pretty quickly! We've figured out a lot of things that I never imagined I would need to know: how to use Sydney public transport with some level of proficiency, how to use Australia currency with another small level of proficiency, to look for stores underground, how to get an apartment in a super competitive market. All of these things have had their painful, stressful moments, but I am really happy that we had those moments and are where we are today.

Another thing we have learned is what we actually need. And it turns out that it is not that much! When we left the States, we got rid of things we thought we could live without and then sent over a crate of the things we thought we really needed (and a few things we just wanted to give us a taste of home). We were as surprised as anyone to find out that we could survive without most of that stuff! I think it's made us re-evaluate the way we think about acquiring things and the way we want to live.

However, we did learn that there are times where there is no substitute for a can opener. So that is probably an item to put in the suitcase next time we move!

And, also, in case this makes you wonder about the whereabouts of our crate - it was scheduled to go through customs inspections this past week! So maybe here really soon!


  1. Replies
    1. So glad you found something in it to like, Patrick.

  2. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Mission accomplished! Thanks for the awesome post! You rock!

  3. Happy Ozziversary! Love the post, and I'm pretty sure Patrick's favorite part was also my favorite part.

    1. Ah! So clever! I wish that I'd made that my title! Maybe for my one year, with your permission?

    2. Of course! Consider it payment for the LOLs that picture brought me today. :)

  4. i'm so lame that i'm only now catching up on the blog. but we text each other, so i'm not feeling like a TOTALLY horrible friend... and YES. i echo allll of the previous comments! love you so much, CB. and TOBY TOO!
