Monday, March 25, 2013

A weekend happened & holy crate, Batman!

We didn't do very much this weekend. Mainly because our apartment looked like this:

That's right! We got our stuff!!

So the majority of our weekend was spent putting things away. I'll post some pictures once everything is looking lovely.

We still had some time for fun stuff though.

Friday fun night

For about a month now, I have told Toby to reserve Friday for a date night - the destination & activities were a secret. I'm pretty sure his weeks-long dread over what I might have planned pretty much cancelled out any enjoyment he got out of the night, but I couldn't help myself! Right after we arrived in Sydney, I learned about this vegetarian Indian buffet restaurant that also had a mini movie theatre upstairs. When you get dinner there, you can go upstairs after you eat and watch a movie for $10. The "theatre" isn't normal stadium seating, either; it's nice cushy couches and cushions.
Before we went out to dinner, though, we had a couple drinks at work and watched the trivia night going on.

Then we jumped up to Kings Cross and found Govinda's. It was tucked away between two buildings but was pretty busy. We started in on the buffet...

I am not much for Indian food, but I don't know if I've ever seen T happier.

We ate until we were both stuffed, and then we headed up to watch the movie. I tried to take a picture of the seating, but it was too dark. The movie itself was really good - we both really like it, which is a rarity.

Between the movie, the food, and the unique venue, this surprise date was a success!


On Saturday, Michaela picked me up on her way to take Gracie the dog to the beach.

The peaceful beach before the dogs converge

Gracie found some friends (she's the golden retriever)
Gracie needed some companionship for the deeper parts.

 It was a beautiful day, fun to hang out with Michaela, and I was super happy to get some dog-time in!

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