Saturday, March 30, 2013

Anish Kapoor

To kick off the holiday weekend, Susan and I went down to the Anish Kapoor exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art after work. (In Australia, we get Friday and Monday off for Easter - hooray!) I had been by the museum plenty of times, since its at Circular Quay, but never inside it. So I was excited!

The building itself is at the point of Circular Quay, and it's really beautiful.

The giant silver plate outside was one of the pieces. On the one side, it reflected the sky. The other side reflected me!

I didn't really know anything Anish Kapoor beyond what I'd seen around the city in promotions. And I'm not much for modern art. But the exhibit turned out to be really cool!

The first room we went into was this big anvil in a mound of wax. It actually moved really slowly so you could see how the circle had gotten deeper and deeper.

There's Susan!

Most of the rest of the exhibit was made up of pieces that were optical illusions or made weird reflections. I don't know that I really got any deeper meaning from them than that, but they were cool to look at.

We finished our museum visit with a trip up to the rooftop sculpture area and bar. I felt super classy and cultured up there. =)

Then Susan and I headed to our respective homes to kick off our long weekend!

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