Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An afternoon at Luna Park

My friend Susan from work came out on Sunday morning and we walked around Luna Park, Lavendar Bay, and Wendy's Secret Garden to take pictures. It was a windy, sunny day, and prefect for taking pictures.

This is Susan:

Here's how she looks most of the time:

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day. I put all of my pictures up here.

We started out walking through Luna Park. It had just opened for the morning, so it wasn't too busy yet.

Ready to take on the park!

Then we walked along Lavendar Bay. 

On the wharf in Lavendar Bay

A local artist, Peter Kingston, has created whimsical statues that are displayed along the walk from Luna Park to Lavendar Bay. They are called "Hidden Treasures," because they are just nestled alongside the plants by the boardwalk. We had fun looking for them and snapping some pics of these cute little guys!

Then we headed up into Wendy's Secret Garden, which was created by a local resident named Wendy after her husband died. It really is secret, because it's very lush and you immediately forget that you're just a few hundred yards from the chaos of Luna Park. 

Exploring Wendy's Secret Garden

We finished our day with a quick walk up the north foreshore. The wind was starting to really pick up by then, so we snapped a few shots and then called it a day!

Finishing the day with more views of the bridge

Here are some pictures that Susan took and shared with me:

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