Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Double Trouble take Brisbane by storm - Tidbits

Some interesting/funny anecdotes from the weekend...

  • We went across the Walter Taylor bridge several times over the weekend. I mentioned to Megan what a pretty bridge it was, and she told me that there are actually apartments in the bridge towers.

I looked it up, and the tollmaster's family lived in the bridge apartments until a couple years ago. How charming is that?!

  • Megan introduced me to the TimTam slam. This ritual is where you bit off a corner of either side of a TimTam, then drink tea of coffee though it. The TimTam gets all deliciously warm and melty, and you eat it like that. I've decided that if you're going to use a straw for tea, a TimTam is the way to go. =)
  • When we stopped for sangria on our Sunday bike ride, we saw this guy walking around:
Yes, that is an arm "cast" made out of an ace bandage and duct tape. Some self-doctoring was happening there, Aussie-style.

  • Two nights after I left, Megan texted me this picture:

That is a huntsman spider in the house. He's by the toilet for size reference. Just as happy I didn't see that while I was there!


  1. That guy is a real Aussie. $10 AUD says he hurt his wrist punching a kangaroo. At least that's what he tells people. More likely, he hurt it when he slipped and fell during his mad scramble to escape the bathroom when a huntsman spider climbed out from behind the toilet. Either way, good on him for the duct tape.

  2. I am gonna go with it was a hunstman sider slip. I am not kidding now when I say thats a reasonable way to break your arm! Thanks so much Toby for letting me steal Christine for the weekend! I felt a little safer knowing 10 year old Toby didn't have any Nerf guns or any other objects to do serious damage with while she was away. Can't wait to see you both soon!

    1. Agreed, we're all lucky that I didn't come home to Toby in his very own duct tape cast!

      BTW, I bought some TimTams and Toby did a TimTam slam last night. He's a huge fan!!!
