Monday, September 29, 2014

Surry Hills Festival

Saturday was a beautiful day. And it happened to be the day of the Surry Hills Festival. So lucky me headed off to walk around Surry Hills!

The festival was spread out along different parks and open spaces. I headed up to the Farmers Market that was coordinated with the festival to start out.

Then it was on to the main part of the neighborhood, where cafes and shops were having sales and specials for the festival. Everything was decorated up for springtime too.

There was live music on in the main park area, as well as all the usual food stalls and vendors. The Surry Hills library had set up a temporary outdoor library space where you could hang out and read or take a book with you.

The neighborhood came out to enjoy the day too. There were lots of people just hanging out on their stoop, or dressed up in costume just for fun. I passed this mini marching band on the sidewalk.

Even the Surry Hills dogs were chilling out.

I walked around for a few hours, enjoying the beautiful spring day and the happy community feeling. It was a great day!


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