Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Social Saturday

This weekend held a couple really fun social activities. First up was a high tea with girls from work. I'm really loving high tea these days - fun food, tasty drinks, unique teas, and cool atmospheres! What's not to love?! This one was particularly grand because it was buffet-style; the towers of macarons and tarts were stunning!


We also went over to a freshly-arrived colleague's house for dinner. He and his wife just moved here from LA to work at Atlassian. We got to meet their dog, Wilbur, who was really sweet.


The other highlight of the night was peach cobbler. We'd talked a few times about things we missed from home, and they had thoughtfully decided to make us a southern peach cobbler to ease any homesickness we'd been feeling. It was so kind and so yummy!


It was a lovely Saturday!


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