Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fun in the California sun!

After the conference in San Jose, I decided I would take a couple days to visit my family in San Diego. So I caught a late flight on Thursday and headed up to one of the loveliest cities in California.

Sometimes I think I get a reputation as an activity-crazy person. But my cousin Megan has got nothing on me! For the two days I was there we:

  • Went hiking at Torrey Pines
  • Had lunch by the ocean
  • Went snorkeling with leopard sharks
  • Had a cookout complete with s'mores and cornhole
  • Went paddle boarding
  • Went to an outdoor movie theatre and watched an Alfred Hitchcock classic


And in between all of that, we found time for fun food out (including Mexican!), shopping, and getting some dog time in!

It was a beautiful 2 days and really hot! I wasn't ready for summer weather so the heat really hit me. But I didn't mind - it felt amazing after the rainy winter days of Sydney.

It was so nice to be with family for a couple days, all the fun events notwithstanding! Thank you, Humbers, for such a wonderful couple of days!



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