Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Guest Post: Toby takes on Oz Comic-Con

One of the many thoughtful *cough*th birthday presents I received from Christine was a pair of tickets to my first ever Comic-Con. This particular brand of Comic-Com is, of course, the Oz variety, which means the accents are a bit cooler and the crowds slightly more laid back and less pushy. Otherwise, it looks about the same to my amateur eyes.

Turned out Christine couldn't make the trip to the con with me--she had a San Fran trip pop up--so you don't get her usual play-by-play of this activity. Instead, you get mine.

In all, it was a fantastic experience. I scored some exclusive purchases, saw some great costumes, spotted a celeb or two, had my picture taken more times than I can count, and even met some nice people (yes, I talked to people, offered to take pictures for them, even helped one first-time con attendee get her bearings...I'm a totally different person in uniform).

Oh yeah, uniform. Did I mention that? I wouldn't be caught dead in a con out of costume. But you don't get to see the pics here. For that you have to go over to my blog. Don't worry; it's not far. Click this link to make the trek. Ha! Trek. Get it? You will.

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