Thursday, September 11, 2014

A quick visit in San Jose

Somewhat short notice, I ended up going to our company's annual customer conference in sunny San Jose! I flew out of Sydney on Monday afternoon and traveled back in time to arrive in San Jose on Monday morning. Then it was three full days of conference, customers, nerdy talk, and very little sleep!

My co-worker and I were there at the conference to talk about how we use one of our partner's plugins. The plugin company is based in Germany, so even though we talk to them all the time, we've only met a couple of the guys in person one time. They turned out to be super nice and funny in person, which made the 10 hours of standing on our feet and talking about software and processes really fun.

So many people excited to talk about nerdy software!
My co-worker's 15 minutes of fame

No Atlassian gathering is complete without a party, and there was an epic one on Wednesday night. Called Summit Bash, it was a full-on party at a tech museum rented out for the night. The museum was open for all the nerds to explore and there were different types of food in different rooms of each floor of the museum. There was also a dance floor and DJ, which was pretty fun!

The party museum


Besides all the conference goings on, it was also just fun to be out in the lovely California weather and enjoy the city!

The biggest permanent Monopoly board in the world
The War Memorial

And just by the time I was starting to beat my jet lag, I headed off for another adventure!


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