Sunday, October 13, 2013

Navy parade

One of the final fleet review festivities happened on Wednesday: it was a naval parade through the CBD! It happened right at lunch time, so Susan and I ducked out and watched all the smart uniforms march by.

Most of the groups in the parade were part of the Australian Navy, but there were also groups from Indonesia, Malaysia, Micronesia, and a couple places I couldn't catch.

Each group was from a different ship. The first one was HMAS Sydney - of course!

There was also a helicopter flyover tribute over the parade route, which was super cool!

We were getting a little hot and sunburned, but Susan and I were determined to stay and see if there were any U.S. Navy representatives. And toward the end, there were! I was too busy cheering when they came by to get a good picture. But it was pretty great to see our men in uniform marching the streets of Sydney!


  1. I got so excited when I read about you missing the US picture due to the cheering! There's just something about living abroad that makes home so much more special.

  2. Funny how you can sometimes be far more American when you aren't in America! I was also totally distracted by the giant lululemon store in the background!

    1. Hee hee, I know, that store is so amazing! It's right down the street from my office, which is problematic! =)
