Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy birthday, Opera House!

Sunday was the 40th birthday of the Opera House. And, of course, Sydney being the city that it is, there was a big celebration!

Somehow, I got Toby to come with me. Maybe it was the promise of getting some breakky first. We went to a little cafe in the Rocks with a good courtyard where we got to soak up some of the great weather.

Toby said I couldn't take a picture of him. So here is his food.

Next stop was the Opera House. Apparently the idea of celebrating a building's birthday appealed to lots of other people!

Obviously this isn't Toby's ideal scenario but he was a good sport.

There was a giant birthday cake and lots of speakers/presenters.

I really wanted to stay until we all sang happy birthday, but the speakers were going on and on. So we moved on and went to see the ferry that brought some other ceremony participants. Since we couldn't hear the speaker anymore, we didn't really understand the connection of these people to the Opera House. We just chalked it up to an Australian oddity and enjoyed.

One last picture to celebrate the birthday!

And then we headed home. But, bonus pic, we saw some Americans on the way back!


  1. Forget the Opera House's birthday....that photo of you is STUNNING! Well done looking gorgeous and well done to Mr. Minton for snapping a perfect shot!

    1. Aww, you are too kind!! That made my day! =) xo
