Monday, July 22, 2013

American food and movie night

Helen brought me these beautiful tulips from her garden
On Saturday, we hosted the group from the Aussie movie night a few weeks ago. It was discovered that most of the Australians hadn't seen Thr Princess Bride for some reason or another. (It seems to be a fluke that these Aussies haven't seen it, since it was released here and part of pop culture here.) Anyway, we of course made it an American-themed food night to go with the movie.

I made a lot of food since I wasn't sure what people were bringing. And also because I wanted to take the opportunity to share American food with people!
So I made lots of stuff and everyone brought food too. That food wasn't really American, but it was super good anyway!

First things first -- having a Budweiser. Toby managed to find some at our bottle shops, so Casper, who's from Perth, had his first ever Budweiser.

The verdict was that it was "actually pretty good."

And Helen had some Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey.

She was maybe a little less enthused with her beverage choice!

Then it was on to food. We had:
  • Deviled eggs
  • Curried eggs (Supplied by the Aussies. These were basically an egg salad sandwich with curry powder in the egg salad)
  • Pimento cheese
  • Carrots & celery with ranch dressing (Ranch is not that popular over here - it was a huge struggle to find it)
  • Russian salad (Diego brought this. It's a common tapas dish in Spain, and was kind of like a mix of egg & potato salad with peas & some other veggies in it. Toby LOVED it)
  • Fruit salsa
  • Ants on a log
  • Cowboy caviar (These last two got a laugh out of the Aussies, purely on name)

Princess Bride was a hit all around, as was the food. We talked about some of the food differences in our home countries, and I learned about this kid's snack called "Fairy Bread." Fairy Bread is a piece of sandwich bread with butter spread on it and then topped within colored sprinkles (which are called Hundreds and Thousands here). How cute is that?!

After the movie it was dessert time. The guys were excited.

We had an amazing dessert spread; Helen brought Oreo cupcakes (Oreos being the most American thing she could think of), Lisa brought chocolate mousse, and I made mini peanut butter pies and key lime pie.

It was all delicious!


  1. The "ensalada rusa" is indeed a staple in Spain. Thomas makes it a lot and it's oh so yummy! He makes it with hard boiled egg, tuna (preferably Spanish canned tuna), green olives, parsley, red wine vinegar, and mayo. I like it with peas, too. Lucky girl! Everything looked so good! And YAY for Princess Bride!! XOXOX

    1. Yes, that sounds like almost exactly what we had - but Diego made us one without tuna because he is a Spanish gentleman. Toby went nuts for it, so I've already gotten the recipe Diego used. Too bad we didn't discover this dish when we were in Lex & Thomas could have made it for Toby all the time! =)

      xoxo to you!

    2. i'll make it for you when you come back to me. xoxoxo

  2. Helen told me about your blog. This was a fun night. Thanks! Conspicuous absence of a mention of the host falling powernapping during The Princess Bride though...

    1. Hey hey! That was me closing my eyes to more fully take in the subtle complexities of the movie!
