Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lunchtime stroll

On Friday, I spent my lunch hour at the Museum of Sydney. It's just a couple blocks away from the office, and it was a beautiful day for a walk in the CBD.

The museum is on the site of the first government house in Sydney. But you wouldn't know it from the way the grounds look now.

View of the courtyard of the museum

The museum's exhibits walk through the history of the city. There was a cool photography project that captured people who had traced their ancestry back to the convicts that were brought to Sydney. The photographer had shot them with objects related to the convict's crime: like a silver teapot similar to the one that the convict stole that resulted in the sentencing. The one that stuck out to me was a picture of a man with seven shoes: that's what his ancestor had stolen that resulted in him being sent to Australia. I was surprised that the majority of the crimes were petty ones like that. Pretty harsh system back then!
There were other exhibits, all relating to the history of Sydney.

Then it was time to head back to the office. I took a street that I normally don't walk on, so I got to appreciate it with fresh eyes.

This menu item for blackened corn caught my eye. Very Australian humor!

Then it was back to work!
Bonus: I went by the library on my way home, so I caught the ferry across the harbor. It was prefect timing to see the sunset behind the bridge!

Lovely day!


  1. Top notch post! I want to know more about the 5th picture.

    1. Oh that was like a display of what various countries exported/export. I think? I didn't see an explanatory sign for it; I just thought it looked cool
