Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vivid Part II

I took so. many. pictures at Vivid on Friday night that there is no way I could put them in one post. There were so many parts of it that I loved. And I probably left out some of the most interesting pictures: the beloved Opera House and Harbor Bridge lit up! So here are just a few more pics that I like from the evening.

Here's me in front of a light exhibit made of traffic cones. And some creepy guy behind me. 

Some stilt-men out in front of Luna Park milling with all the Vivid-viewers. You can see the lighted bridge in the background. 

This picture shows a sail-type sculpture that the light pulsed in. And below that picture is a piano. The lights on the keys changed as you played. Too bad none of the random people around knew any good songs to play!

This was a cool light tunnel you could walk through. The lights changed to all different colors and then sometimes pulsed like a disco. It was really fun to be in.


More sail sculptures... And some lighted-up cubes where you could sit and watch the Opera House light show from across the bay. The kiddos really liked it!

And the CBD from downtown... What a lovely evening!


  1. These shots are awesome. Every time i click on your blog to read the latest happenings....i can't help but think you are living my dream!!

    1. Thank you! Everytime I'm out, people are taking pictures with fancy cameras, and I wish that I could take cool pictures like them. But I guess my iPhone pictures will suffice. I'm loving Vivid, that's for sure!

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