Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vivid Part IV

Last Friday night I decided to walk back across the bridge after I got home from work so I could check out the Vivid lights at The Rocks that I didn't get to see the week before. By the time I left, the lights were on so I got to see the harbor and the Opera House from the bridge.

Then I walked around The Rocks. I think my favorite thing from the night was this cool installation that tracked where you walked and a light path followed your steps. And if you walked different ways, the lights on the ground changed shapes.

I jumped right in and made some cool trails myself. It was so fun!

I think my other favorite thing was this row of terrace apartments. Each was lit up with a different color that represented one of the 7 deadly sins.

There were lots of other buildings lit up too.

Lastly, I walked over to the point at the end of The Rocks. That's where the Opera House lights were being projected from (on top of the giant "v").

There was also this cool light stick forest to walk through.

And before I left, I checked out the lights on the bridge one more time.

I sure love Vivid!

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