Sunday, June 9, 2013

Vivid with the T

Now that Toby's back, we had to go see Vivid together properly, not just light up the bridge. Although "properly" is a relative term: with Toby in the lead, we looked at the lights at about 7 times the speed as I've been doing, and we avoided any area where there the crowd was too large, seemingly without regard for how cool I made the lights in that are sound.

Nonetheless, we both had a good time in our own way.

We started out in Circular Quay and (quickly) did the rounds of all the lights there. We also squeezed in a stop at a food truck; hence, big smiles all around!

Then we walked over to Walsh Bay; I hadn't seen the lights there, so we got to experience them together.

The piers in Walsh Bay had cool lights up.

Did I mention that Toby's back?

Toby's favorite of the night: lights in the water by the pier that represented the rats that infested the piers in 1900 and caused a Bubonic plague outbreak. Which sounds kind of gross but the exhibit looked cool. You could change the lights on the rats with little controls. It was super fun!

I really liked the rats too, but my favorite might have been this disco ball display.

It was a great night, and I'm glad we got to see all the lights together.

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