Saturday, March 15, 2014

Super Bowl bet redemption day 2014

Once again, I won our bet on which team would take the Super Bowl. Which meant I won a day for planning the agenda and doing whatever I wanted. Last year my bet day was epic! I had big plans for this year too, but they were scaled back a little bit due to weather. We still got plenty of fun in though!

We started the day out with Thai massages. I talked a lot about how much I liked a place in North Sydney, so Toby decided he would join me for his first ever massage. He put on a brave face, even though I knew he wasn't so excited.

I think he ended up enjoying it; or at the very least, he didn't hate it. Yay! We also found his namesake - and really, who couldn't be happy about that?!

Next up was catching the train up to Central and checking out a rooftop market in Surry Hills. I didn't really know what to expect with a rooftop market, but I guess I should have expected to walk up a bunch of stairs!

The market itself was interesting. It was a pretty small rooftop and therefore a pretty small market. But there were some interesting food and drink samples to try.

T found a built-in personal space buffer, which I had to bribe him to leave.

This is the requisite market hipster area.

And even though the market might not have been exactly what I expected it was still fun!

Next we walked up further into Surry Hills and found a shop that the sister of one of my co-workers owns. Isn't it so cute!?

By this time, it was battery-recharging time. So we found a little Italian place and had a leisurely lunch.

This is what happens when T tries to take a picture of a bus ad but most definitely ended up taking a picture of a bunch of girls instead.

My "are you taking pictures of girls?!" face

Lunch wasn't over until we got cupcakes from Sparkle, my favorite cupcake place in Sydney! There was a little kid's birthday party going on in there, so it was utter chaos inside.

Which meant that I turned around to find this:

But I stuck it out for the cupcakes!

Finally, we headed out for what was, unbeknownst to us, the last activity of the day: the Atlassian Friends & Family carnival. We took some pictures and video there, so I'll out it in a separate post.

Once we got home, we slept a little siesta and then woke up to find a huge storm rolling in! We made a mad dash for the market and bottle shop, and then finished out Super Bowl bet day with a movie night.

It was a great day! Here's hoping I have a good pick again next year! (Although really, it's about time for T to have a win!)

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