Monday, March 17, 2014

Atlassian Family & Friends Day

One of the things we did on Saturday was to go out to the Family & Friends Carnival. It was free to attend and bring as many people as you wanted. That should have clued me in that it would be big, but I wasn't expecting it to be as huge as it was!

Needless to say, there were tons of fun rides and carnival games!

I rode a couple rides.

And Toby played a game.

(Note from Toby: I missed my first three shots while sighting in this crossbow, but when I went to set the weapon down, the kid working the booth told us we could have a prize anyway and that we didn't really have to give him a ticket to play, as we did. I loaded up again and knocked one of the balls down then told him to keep the prize. I felt like giving the guy a Ron Swanson lecture about the damage he could cause to Australian society by rewarding participation instead of results, but that wouldn't have fit the Christine Day mood. Let's hope my silent disapproval and refusal to play his game again made the point.)

There was also tons of carnival food, all free for the eating! We skipped but we did get some drinks.

We didn't stay too terribly long, as we felt we had gracefully horned in on the kids' rides and fun long enough. Plus, it was pretty hot in the field in the sun! But we still had a really good time and I felt lucky to work for such a generous company!

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