Thursday, March 27, 2014

Old Town - a few more pics

My Sunday in Old Town was so fun and beautiful, here are a few more pics!

One thing that I loved were all these tiny shops tucked into the below-ground levels of the buildings. They would put tables outside on the street with their goods for sale (usually amber jewellery), and then you could walk downstairs to go into the rest of the shop.

This is what a closed up shop looks like. Kind of cool, eh?

Of course, there was a little bit of gaudiness here and there. Like this "American" restaurant. Because nothing says America like a Big Bird statue and a "John Kennedy salad!"

And while the souvenir shops weren't too terrible from the outside, inside they looked like every other souvenir shop in existence!

And finally, I snapped a couple pics from the tourist magazine I looked through over lunch. One was this interesting breakdown of the history of the city - I know I would have failed my history tests when I was in school if this is what I had to learn.

And this picture is of a bit that just made me giggle out loud. The article was about Daniel Farenheit, a Pole who invented the Farenheit scale. The opening line is so very... Polish!

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