Sunday, March 23, 2014

A TN girl in.... Poland?!

Yes, I've decided that the warm, sunny weather of Australia is too much too handle, so I had to take a little trip up to Gdansk, Poland - a city where "spring" is colder than any day we had in Sydney last winter.


I'm actually in Poland for a week, visiting our Atlassian office here before I attend a tech writing conference in Budapest next week. And while Budapest and Poland aren't exactly close to each other, once you get out of Australia, pretty much everything seems close! So it made sense to kill two birds with one trip.

So here I am in Poland (and Toby is holding down the fort in Sydney - or as he put it: "being giddy that there are no activities to attend").

The trip here took about 31 hours of travel. From Sydney to Singapore:

Singapore to London:

London to Munich:

And finally, Munich to Gdansk:

Hands-down my favorite part of the trip was rating the bathrooms in the Singapore airport.

They were excellent, by the way.

I also had time to walk around and see this cool indoor garden area. The current theme is "social media."

As part of that, you could take your picture and then post it to the "sharing tree."

Here I am as a lion:

Besides being on the sharing tree and barely making my connection in Munich, the travel was uneventful. Things got more interesting when I arrived, though! More on that to come!


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